
検索キーワード「call of duty 4: modern warfare」に一致する投稿を表示しています

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 UpdatedGamescom 10 Explosive Call of Duty Black Ops presentation shakes the room Aug 19, 10 **Call of Duty Black Ops Compiled Info Thread** Updated 1/25 Jan 25, 11 World's FirstAbout This Game The biggest firstperson action series of all time and the followup to last year's blockbuster Call of Duty® Modern Warfare 2 returns with Call of Duty® Black Ops Call of Duty® Black Ops will take you behind enemy lines as a member of an elite special forces unit engaging in covert warfare, classified operations, and explosive conflicts across the globe This year, Call of Duty Black Ops pushes the DS ever more and proves that a portable shooter can be just as featurepacked as on a console Black Ops doesn't try to tell the same story as its Call Of Duty Black Ops Ds Walmart Com Walmart Com Call of duty black ops ds gameplay

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